

Please register at Portal to register for program

RFP Module Exemption
<<RFP Module Exemption>>Click to download PDF
Shariah RFP Module Exemption
<<Shariah RFP Exemption>>Click to download PDF
Please register at Portal to register for program
Our Education Counsellor

Ms. Wawa (

En. Nadzmi (

Ms. Amanie (


Welcome to Malaysian Financial Planning Council!

Before you start your application, ensure you are ready with the simple checklist below:

  • Choose the RFP/Shariah RFP programme that you would like to apply for.
  • Check that you satisfy your chosen programme entry requirements.
  • Check on the commencement dates, exam dates, fees and programme details for your chosen programme.

Before you appy for the programme, please provide the following required documents:

  1. Copy of IC (Back and Forth)
  2. Copy of Highest Education Certificate; minimum Bachelor Degree
  3. Latest update resume/CV (for Capstone Programme)
  4. Other supporting documents for your application (if applicable as advised by MFPC Secretariat)

Once the documents are prepared, you can submit your application through MFPC portal (

Our secretriat will proceed to assist in processing your application.

If there are any issues such as insufficient documents or missing details, don’t worry; our secretariat will get in touch with you to assist you in completing your application.


RFP Capstone & Shariah RFP Capstone Programme fee structure:-

Entrance Fee - RM100.00

Membership Fee - RM80.00

Programme Fee - RM2,550.00

Approximate Total Fees - RM2,730.00
RFP & Shariah RFP Modular Programme fee structure:-

Entrance Fee - RM100.00

Membership Fee - RM80.00

Programme Fee - RM1,250.00

Approximate Total Fees - RM1,430.00

Methods of Study

There will be two methods of study allowed:

  1. Self-study with examination
  2. Course with lectures and examination

Upon enrolment for either method of study, a complete set of textbooks /course materials will be given for each and every module.

The text materials used will meet the high standards set by the Certification and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Board of the MFPC. Candidates will be tested on both the academic and practitioner’s aspects of each module to ensure that RFP designees are those who are trained to perform the task of financial planning in the real world.

Difference Between Self-study and Lectured Courses

The availability of the two methods of study gives greater flexibility and choice to cater to the differing needs of the students throughout the country.

Self-study is an approach where the student is allowed to study on his own and complete his studies at his own pace. As for the lecture-mode of study, it allows for interactions and exchange of ideas through feedback, discussions and case studies.

All lecturers are certified by the Certification and CPD Board. The course will be conducted by Education Providers approved by the MFPC.

For further assistance, please contact the Education Department at 03-62035899 or email to

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